Do I Need Car Key Replacement Protection? - A Comprehensive Guide

Accidents happen, keys get lost, and sometimes they just stop working. One of the most attractive advantages of auto key replacement protection is that the cost of the replacement is usually covered. But do you really need car key replacement protection? In this article, we'll explore the benefits of additional protection, such as car key replacement services, and how to make sure you don't pay hundreds of dollars upfront to replace a key. Losing your car keys or having to deal with broken keys every day is frustrating.

Before, you could take your metal key to the local hardware store and have it copied for a few dollars; now you have to pay for the chips and the programming of the new keys. Always check with an authorized locksmith first, as a dealer is likely to charge you more to replace the key and remote control. Investing in protection to replace car keys can help ensure you don't pay hundreds of dollars upfront to replace a key. The manufacturer of the vehicle and the overall design of the key will ultimately affect the cost of replacing the key and where you'll have to go to get a new one.

This means that standard metal keys are being rapidly phased out for electronic keyrings or smart remote controls. The Switchblade keys can be basic or laser-cut and include a button that can be pressed to remove the key and refold it on the remote control. Since replacing car keys is becoming increasingly expensive as technology advances, you'll want to make sure you consider all of your options when it comes to protection and savings. So, know beforehand what you are going to buy and ask if you qualify for any benefits that interest you, such as car key replacement services, before you commit to reaching an agreement. Years ago, if you ever kept your keys in your car, you could go to the local hardware store to make a replacement key.

With that said, the easiest key to replace is a basic metal model, as it's completely mechanical. But while losing a house or work key is troublesome, replacing your car key can be much more complicated than simply calling a locksmith. Today, your car keys are safer than ever, but because of these advances, it's also more expensive to replace them.

What Are My Options For Car Key Replacement Protection?

This warranty covers up to three key rings. The main guarantee that your keychain will cover is the guarantee of maximum care. This warranty covers up to three key ring repairs or replacements.

Includes coverage for all types of damage or loss. It also covers towing and roadside assistance. If you lose your key or your battery runs out, you can tow your vehicle to the nearest dealer. This is the only Mopar warranty that covers your keychain.

Warranties such as Added Care Plus and Powertrain Care don't cover the key, although they do cover many other components of the vehicle. Visit any Sears keyless store and get an extra key today.

How Can I Make Sure I'm Covered?

Before buying a new keychain, check your car's basic warranty, insurance, or roadside assistance coverage to see if they cover the loss or the damage of the keys. If factory coverage is about to expire or has already ended, investing in a breakdown coverage plan is the best way to protect yourself from the unexpected cost of replacing your missing car keys.


Car key replacement protection can help ensure that you don't have to pay hundreds of dollars upfront when replacing a lost or broken key. Always check with an authorized locksmith first and consider all of your options when it comes to protection and savings. Before buying a new keychain, check your car's basic warranty, insurance, or roadside assistance coverage to see if they cover the loss or damage of the keys.

Sophie Boucher Girard
Sophie Boucher Girard

Student. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Hardcore zombie nerd. Infuriatingly humble bacon buff. Typical zombie scholar.

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