The lifespan of a car key is largely dependent on how often it is used. If you have multiple keychains, it is best to leave one unused and switch to it when the main one stops working. You can also change the battery every three or four years to ensure optimal performance. The battery life of a keychain usually ranges from 3 to 5 years, depending on usage.
If you rely on your keychain daily, you may need to replace it after three years. Replacing the battery is more cost-effective than replacing the entire keychain. If the remote control doesn't work, the car may not start because the computer system doesn't recognize that the key fob is in the car. This problem can be caused by several factors, such as a dead battery or a malfunctioning remote control. It is important to make sure that the batteries in the key fob are working properly so that you don't get stuck in the rain without being able to open your car. Smart keyrings are those that can unlock, lock or start a vehicle even with the keychain in the driver's pocket.
The most common issue with these car keyrings is that their batteries degrade over time, which can be solved by replacing them. If you have several keyrings, consider replacing all of their batteries at once as they often run out at more or less the same time.
How to Prolong Your Car Key's Lifespan
To ensure that your car key lasts as long as possible, there are some steps you can take. First and foremost, try to avoid using your car key too often. If you have multiple keychains, switch between them so that one isn't used more than necessary.Additionally, make sure to change the battery every three or four years for optimal performance. This will help prevent any issues with your remote control not working and your car not starting. If you have smart keyrings, it is important to replace their batteries regularly as they tend to degrade over time. Replacing all of them at once is recommended as they often run out at more or less the same time.
The lifespan of a car key depends on how often it is used and how well it is maintained. It is important to switch between multiple keychains if you have them and change the battery every three or four years for optimal performance.Smart keyrings should also have their batteries replaced regularly as they tend to degrade over time.